Lesson 20: Jesus Washes The Disciples' Feet
(51 min.)
Jesus talks to the disciples about serving one another, loving one another, and the pain of betrayal.
Lesson 21: 'Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"
(39 min.)
Jesus assures his disciples that his departure from them is not permanent, basing their assurance on the knowledge that he is the way, the truth, and the life.
A Personal Memoir by One of His Disciples
Studies in the Gospel of John,
Pt. 4
(58 min.)
In what two ways does John seek to persuade us concerning Jesus? And how shall we answer critics who say his Gospel is a work of fiction and tells of nothing about the real Jesus?
Lesson 23: The Holy Spirit is the Helper
(46 min.)
How would the apostles carry out Jesus' mission after his departure? What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is called "another Paraclete"?
Lesson 24: The Vine and the Branches
(40 min.)
Having spoken at length about his own relation to the Father, Jesus explains to the disciples about how they relate to him and to the Father--using the extended metaphor of the vine and its branches.
Lesson 25: Bearing Fruit in a Hostile World.
(31 min.)
Jesus explains how abiding in him and relying on the Spirit enables believers to cope with hostility from the world.
Lesson 26: Experiencing Joy in a Hostile World.
(32 min.)
Jesus preparing his disciples for his departure. What are the things Jesus' disciples absolutely need to know before he is taken from them: about the Holy Spirit, about how their sorrow will be overcome by joy, and how he has overcome the world?
Lesson 27: Understanding the Holy Spirit and Prayer
(50 min.)
This lesson brings together this Gospel's teachings about the Holy Spirit and about prayer.
Lesson 28: Jesus Prays for His Disciples--and Us
(50 min.)
The prayer of Jesus for his disiciples is built around Jesus 3 basic petitions to his Father: to Glorify, Sanctify, and Unify.