
Polycarp Arrives

Jul 22, 2018 3:59 PM

My Polycarp Movie Diary, Day Two*

Tuesday, July 23, 2013. With a call time of 7:30 a.m., I finally shot my first scene--a short action sequence, no dialog. [A walk through the busy marketplace with the two leading ladies.]There is a lot of "hurry up and wait" on a movie set. A lot! I was supposed to be in another scene, but it got bumped because of delays.

On this day also I got to meet Rusty Martin (Germanicus) in person. [I had previously met him along with lead actress Eliya Hurt in a group video call some weeks earlier.] Later that day Justin Lewis (Justin) and Ryan-Iver Klann (Maximus) also arrived. The film shoot would have a beginning and an end, but the friendships endure--for which I am thankful to God.

Pictured above (left to right): Ryan-Iver Klann (Maximus), Justin Lewis (Justin), Rusty Martin (Germanicus), Ted Rich (Irenaeus)

*This is the fifth anniversary of the filming of the award winning Christian film Polycarp in which I play the title character. The experience of making that film proved to be far more momentous and impactful in my life than I ever anticipated. To celebrate this anniversary I am re-publishing my diary from those days which I wrote on the back of the daily sides.